Follow these steps to create a WiFi hotspot using your Moto X smartphone and Google Fi cellular service.
STEP #1 — Settings
Go to the main Settings screen for the Moto X. Toward the top you should see Network & Internet.
STEP #2 — Network & Internet
Tap on Network & Internet, and on the settings page that shows up, tap on Hotspot & tethering.
STEP #3 — Hotspot & Tethering
On the Hotspot & Tethering page you will see some grayed out toggle switches. Toward the top of the page you should see “Wi-Fi hotpot” and under that “Not sharing internet or content with other devices.” This assumes you don’t have the hotspot on.
Tap on the text that says Wi-Fi hotpot. This will take you to the Wi-Fi hotspot settings page. Tap on the toggle switch to the right of “Off” and then the hotspot should turn on. You will be able to give your WiFi hotspot a nee and by tapping on Advanced you can reveal or change your password by tapping on the dots that hide the password.
STEP #4 — Connect
To connect to your phone as a hotspot, on your laptop computer, from the available WiFi networks, choose the network name that you assigned in Step #3 above. Then type in the network password from Step #3 above. You should now be able to connect to the Internet through your Moto X phone.