For Tech Help
Call: 319-621-4911
Quick Answers are Free
For many callers, our free courtesy phone-based support is all that’s needed to solve problems quickly.
No Charge for Local Advice
With a few questions over the phone, we suggest your best support options depending on your location, product brand, warranty status, and other factors.
Complementary Support Guides
Free assistance is also available in the form of tech support articles on this site that can’t be found anywhere else. We offer buying guides, how to guides, and tech tips.
Tech Solutions When Needed
For problems that aren’t covered by a warranty, or answered easily over the phone, we provide an array of remote and on-site services to upgrade and maintain your computers and other technology for optimum reliability.
Tech Support That Supports the Planet
Our recommendations are guided by our mission to design and choose tech solutions that are easy on the environment. Whenever possible, we offer remote support that reduces travel. [Learn More]
Tech Training
We offer personalized one-on-one and group training. You can mix and match the topics you’d like covered. Training is available in-person or remotely. [Learn More] There are also tech training options open to the public provided by many local Iowa City institutions. [Learn More]
Start Your Tech Career
Follow our guide to beginning your own tech consulting business. [Start Here]
Iowa City Tech is owned and operated by Greg Johnson. With over 30 years of experience providing tech support in the Iowa City area, Greg utilizes skills, resources, and efficiency to find economical solutions. [Learn More]
Raspberry Pi — User Guides and Resources
Raspberry Pi is a small, low cost, energy efficient, powerful computer that runs a version of the Linux operating system. This page is a portal to Raspberry Pi news and resources available on this site and elsewhere. [Learn More]
Eco Friendly Products
Learn about eco friendly tech products. [View]
Web Design
For help launching or designing a website, visit our partner site
Local Focus — Global Reach
This site is focused on serving Iowa City and nearby communities as well as people across Iowa. Despite our mission to support the local area, this site gets visits from all over the world. The map below shows the general location of recent global visitors. It is a snapshot covering a few days in Dec 2024.