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As of March 2025, Epson and HP began promoting their subscription plans that include ink and a printer for a monthly fee. Information for these plans is found below. The convenience of these plans is that they include support as needed, and when working properly, you should receive shipments of replenishment ink automatically when low ink levels are detected.

There are also in-only subscription plans available including a service from Brother, also described below.

As an alternative to these plans, purchasing an ink tank printer may save money and be more convenient since they require less frequent replenishment of ink and typically hold an approximate 2-year supply of ink that is included with the original purchase.

Epson ReadyPrint

The Epson printer and ink subscription is called ReadyPrint. Learn more here

HP All-In Plan

The HP printer and ink subscription is called the HP All-In Plan. Learn more here —

With the HP plan, a possible inconvenience would be that ink purchased at local stores or regular ink purchased online would not work in the printer. Also, your printer would be under the control of HP with the power to enable or disable the printer.

Ink-Only Plans

Brother Ink Replenishment Subscription

A plan from Brother provides automatic ink replenishment described here —